Welcome to this month’s edition of the STG Independent Agencies Sales Alerts. Activity for this time of year is normal. The sellers’ market for the acquisition of independent agencies persists. Middle market buyers continue to be enthused about buying opportunities because of four critical motivations.
- To gain critical mass
- Enter a new market area
- Back fill organic growth gaps
- Better utilize operating efficiency / specialty resources
In our view the most effective tactic in acquisition target development is a multilevel and joint endeavor, using the national approach that STG provides in concert with the “boots on the ground” local market intelligence to which only the client has access. STG provides clients additional tools to access the 90% of the sellers that are not openly and publicly communicating their intention to sell.
The listings below represent a small sample of some of the new independents discovered through our research or provided to us during the last 30 days. Our clients have access to previous month’s listings upon request.
SHOP B: South Central, Texas — A thirty five year old multi-line independent commercial and personal lines mixed practice insurance agency for sale. This is a full service agency that offers personal lines, commercial lines, life and health. Asking Price $3M / Reported Revenue $2.1M. Seller is willing to carry some paper. This shop has niche expertise in Oil & Gas, crop insurance, banks, plant nurseries, non-profits and others. Major markets include: RCIS, Amtech, Union Standard, Assurant, Texas Mutual and others. This shop can be viewed as a platform. Buyers will be pre screened by the seller.
SHOP C: Greenville County, South Carolina — A ten year old established independent non-standard Property and Casualty insurance agency is available for purchase due to retirement. Asking Price $925K / Reported Revenue $629K. Seller is willing to carry some paper. The book is comprised of 80% personal lines and 20% commercial. Five licensed insurance agents on staff.
SHOP F: Kern County, California — A 30 year old independent Property & Casualty agency in the southern central valley, focused on preferred personal and commercial lines is for sale. Reported Revenues $167K / Asking Price $320K / Reported WAP $1.3M. The book is composed of 69% ccommercial lines and 31% personal lines. The agency management system utilized is AMS 360. The shop has two full time employees.
SHOP G: Clark County, Nevada — An eleven year old Property & Casualty agency focused on selling niche health products to business owners as well as their commercial P&C products is now for sale. Reported Revenue $185K / Asking Price $325K. An aagency management system is in place. Insurance carriers include: Blue Cross Blue Shield, Employers, and Principal among others.
Being associated with STG provides you access to the strongest array of M&A, lending tools and financial services available to support your acquisition, perpetuation and operational needs in any part of North America. Please call us at 972.395.8811 or contact us online for additional information on services and opportunities.