Springtree Group Represents Independent Insurance Group Benefits in Merger with Marsh & McLennan Agency

Springtree Group (STG), a Mergers and Acquisition consulting and financial support firm, announced its successful representation of Independent Insurance Group Benefits of Dallas in its merger with Marsh & McLennan Agency. Independent Insurance Group Benefits is an insurance brokerage firm specializing in group employee benefits. Marsh & McLennan Agency is a leading North American brokerage firm. The Independent Insurance Group Benefits operation led by Joe Wiseman will remain in Dallas and will become part of Marsh’s Dallas hub, Prescott Pailet. For full details, please call Springtree Group at (972) 395-8811 or contact us online


Springtree Group, founded in 1988, provides Mergers & Acquisition advisory and financial support to the Insurance community. STG is the largest U.S. company of its type, bringing a highly specialized portfolio mix of M&A consulting services and an array of loan platforms specifically built and managed for the highly fragmented insurance market space.

Springtree Group, headquartered in Dallas, Texas, provides services to the insurance sector in every region of the USA. For more information on STG please call (972) 395-8811 or visit www.SpringtreeGroup.biz.